Saturday, August 30, 2014

Water Woes

After waiting several weeks, we finally came to the conclusion that the well people just weren't going to bother checking out our well to give us a quote on getting it back into working condition. I know there's Down South time, but this was way beyond even that. S talked to them twice about it and they said they'd go out; they called him once but didn't leave a message on his voice mail. We made the decision about a month ago to just go with city water -- and still haven't heard anything from the well people.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The List

The notebook in which I wrote down what needs to be done in the house is getting a little beat-up, so I thought it might be helpful to type it out here. Plus then I can double check what needs to be done/bought, sizes, etc., even if I don't have the notebook with me. This is unprioritized and ranks from vital to purely cosmetic. All of the windows need window treatments, so if there's just a measurement, that's why. Measurements are width x height unless otherwise noted.